Steroids that Only Nature Could Make on a Large Scale
Steroids that Only Nature Could Make on a Large Scale
Scientists at The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI)
have achieved a feat in synthetic chemistry by inventing a scalable
method to make complex natural compounds known as “polyhydroxylated
steroids.” These compounds, used in heart-failure medications have been
notoriously problematic to synthesize in the laboratory.
The researchers demonstrated the new strategy by
synthesizing ouabagenin, a close chemical cousin of ouabain, which
Somali tribes once used as a potent poison on the tips of their arrows
but was later developed as a treatment for congestive heart failure.
This achievement, reported in the January 4, 2012 issue of Science,
points the way to a scalable formation and modification of a variety of
useful compounds that had been obtainable in significant quantities only
from plants or animals.
“Previous synthetic routes to these compounds
required so many steps as to be impractical on a large scale,” said Phil
S. Baran, a professor and a member of the Skaggs Institute for Chemical
Biology at TSRI, “but we were able to come up with a completely new
Looking for Answers
The Baran laboratory has a longstanding interest in
the practical and scalable synthesis of complex natural products. The
group’s latest achievement was stimulated by a request from a
Denmark-based company, LEO Pharma, whose chemists sought an efficient
way to make complex, bioactive steroids. “We decided to go for the most
complex member of the family, ouabagenin, which is probably the most
polyhydroxylated steroid known on planet Earth,” said Baran.
Polyhydroxylated steroids have four carbon-based
rings and are adorned with several hydroxyl groups, giving these
molecules a high oxidation level and making them very difficult to
synthesize and modify using simple methods. “Ouabagenin has six of these
hydroxyl groups, which also exist in a lopsided orientation,” said Hans
Renata, a graduate student in the Baran laboratory who was first author
of the study. “This confers a strong directionality on ouabagenin
molecules, so that they tend to stick even to inorganic material such as
laboratory glassware, especially on small scale.”
In 2009, the Baran laboratory reported in Nature a
holistic approach to synthesizing a class of natural products called
terpenes (for an article describing that discovery,
see This
approach includes a laboratory “oxidase phase” that relies on the direct
incorporation of functional groups (such as hydroxyl groups) into
carbon–hydrogen bonds to reach highly oxidized terpene targets. Since
steroids form a sub-category within the terpene family, the scientists
hypothesized that these guidelines for terpene construction should apply
to the synthesis of steroids, and in particular, to ouabagenin. Organic
chemists have traditionally propagated functional groups from one
carbon atom in the molecule to an adjacent carbon atom, which could
result in lengthy syntheses; a previous synthesis of ouabagenin had been
completed by another research group in 2008, but in 41 steps. The Baran
group sought to incorporate the logic of carbon–hydrogen
functionalization and long-range functional group transformations for a
completely new strategy toward ouabagenin.
Source: The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Scripps Research Institute.